
Fix Your Broken Tooth with Dental Bonding

Teeth can be broken by chewing on hard candy or ice. They can also be broken in an accident or sports injury. Fortunately, dental bonding is a procedure in cosmetic dentistry that provides a quick and inexpensive solution to chips, cracks, or broken teeth. What Is Dental Bonding? Dental bonding is a cosmetic solution to […]

Can Whitening Remove Stains on Your Teeth?

Do you ever feel like your smile could use a teeth-whitening boost? Dental staining and discoloration can happen for a lot of reasons, often from the foods and drinks you love. Everything from pigmented spices to wine to that daily coffee or tea habit may be making your pearly whites look less than pristine. You […]

The Advantages of Regular Dentist Checkups

Coming in regularly for exams and cleanings is important, not only to keep your teeth healthy but also to protect your overall health and well-being. If you don’t have your next appointment scheduled, or if you are thinking of skipping your 6-month mark, take a look at these important reasons to attend. 1. Look Good […]

Important Benefits of Dental Implants

Dental implants are a modern, permanent, and effective solution to missing teeth. While some people still prefer to opt for bridges, dentures, or leaving a gap, there are important benefits of dental implants that you can miss out on if you choose an alternative. Here are some reasons why everyone missing one or more of […]

How Oral Health Affects Your Entire Body

Great oral health gives you a bright smile and contributes to your confidence and sense of well-being. White teeth are beautiful and while treatments like Boston teeth whitening can provide that look, the health of your smile is important, too. Did you know that there is a direct connection between your dental health and overall […]

On-The-Go Tips to Fight Tooth Decay

The best way to remove plaque from your teeth is to brush them with a toothbrush and toothpaste regularly, and of course to come see us at Dental Partners of Boston, among the best dentists in Boston. However, it is not always possible or practical to rush home and brush your teeth, or to carry […]

Dental Anxiety: Stop Fearing the Dentist

Does anxiety around dental appointments hold you back from seeking the dental treatment you need? Your worries might arise from thinking that the dental appointment might hurt. If it’s been a while since your last checkup, you might worry that your teeth are not healthy and that the dentist will say that you need a […]

5 Tips for Whiter Teeth

Everyone loves the look of a perfectly white smile, but achieving that appearance can be tricky. Cosmetic dentistry provides the following tips to help you to not only make your teeth a little whiter but also to keep them that way. 1. Attend Regular Dental Checkups During a dental checkup, our dentists use tools to […]

A Scientific Approach to Dental Hygiene

We are encouraged to brush and floss daily and to see the best dentist for a cleaning and exam twice a year. It may seem like second nature to adopt these vital routines, but what are we actually doing when we brush, floss, and use mouthwash? What is the science behind dental hygiene? What are […]